Interview with Prof. Blank!

Prof. Lars Blank from RWTH Aachen University has been interviewed by WIRED, an American magazine, published in print and online editions, that focuses on how emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics about the degradation of plastic by bacteria and caterpillars.


P4SB in the RWTH newspaper!

The RWTH newspaper "Karman" interviewed Prof. Lars Blank about P4SB and its contribution plastic waste reduction. Read the full article (in German):http://www.karman-ac.de


Plastic degrading caterpillars

The commentary of Prof. Lars Blank to plastic degrading caterpillars is now on YouTube as well. English subtitles are also available.


Plastics - The Facts 2016

An analysis of European plastics production, demand and waste data

When talking about plastic and recycling, this factsheet (especially page 24-25) is of special interest.

Click here for more information:


New publication!

Biocatalysis as a green route for recycling the recalcitrant plastic polyethylene terephthalate

Our partner from University of Leipzig successfully submitted another publication related to P4SB. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Microbial enzymes for the recycling of recalcitrant petroleum-based plastics: how far are we?

P4SB has its next scientific publication written by Prof. Dr. Zimmermann and Dr. Wei!


New Publication

Please find below a link to a book chapter written by our CSIC team. Great work!


9th European Symposium on Biopolymers (ESBP 2017)

ESBP 2017 will be taking place at Hôtel Mercure in the beautifull city of Toulouse, France from the 5th–7th July 2017. ESBP 2017 aims at bringing together leading experts from both academia and industry to share knowledge and insight into the challenges and opportunities surrounding biopolymers production from microbes. ESBP 2017 will focus on recent developments in the area of biopolymers production, characterization and processing but also on the numerous applications of biopolymeric materials in a variety of fields, including medicine and medical devices, smart materials, coatings, personal care products, structural materials, agro food and agriculture, and many other areas. The main spotlight of ESBP will be on Biopolymers like polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), cellulose, alginates, cyanophicin, poly phosphate, rubber (polyisoprene), etc. Further, ESBP-2017 aims to:

• Gather delegates from companies and from diverse scientific and academic settings to participate in critical debates;
• Facilitate sharing and collaboration between specialists from different backgrounds;
• Evaluate the current and future situation of biopolymers markets;
• Measure advancements relating to industrialization of production chains.

Registration opens 5 January 2017
Abstract submission opens 3 April 2017
Abstract submission deadline 1 May 2017
Abstract selection 15 May 2017


New Publication in Microbial Biotechnology!

P4SB has its next scientific publication written by José Jiminez from University of Sussex: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com

P4SB and plastic degration

Auxiliadora Prieto from project partner CSIC gave an oral talk to approx. 80 attendees about P4SB and plastic degration. Check out the Spanish blog for more details: http://cienciaconchocolate.blogspot.de